Explore the impact of a win-win partnership.
Think about the 10th thing on your to-do list. Can a student help you accomplish it? We think they can. Profession-based learning (Pro-BL) offers a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with the next generation of talent while addressing real needs within your organization.
The quick guides below will help you engage with Pro-BL opportunities in your area and hear from other industry partners who have experienced the impact of Pro-BL first-hand.
“When you take business and education and put them together, there’s infinite opportunity.”
Examine Pro-BL case studies.
Hear real stories of impact from industry partners, educators and students through compelling video case studies and testimonials. Share videos with others to illustrate how profession-based learning is creating positive outcomes for local communities.
Let’s shape the future workforce.
Begin by connecting with local school districts about existing Pro-BL programs and learn how to get involved. If these programs aren’t in place, introduce them to experience.work and explore how you can partner.
Help other industry leaders benefit from this innovative approach to learning — share experience.work with those in your network!
“We all work so hard to recruit talent — this is an opportunity to introduce bright, energetic and talented students to your organization, and play a role in developing the workforce in your community.”